Direct booking advantages

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  • <p>Traditional, homely & cosy</p>
  • <p>Traditional, homely & cosy</p>
  • <p>Traditional, homely & cosy</p>
  • <p>Traditional, homely & cosy</p>
  • <p>Traditional, homely & cosy</p>
  • <p>Traditional, homely & cosy</p>
    Directly at the BRIENZERSEE

    Traditional, homely & cosy

    to Brienz
    Welcome to the

    Hotel Brienzerburli and Löwen

    The traditional, cosy and homely Bernese Oberland family hotel with its rustic and modern facilities and various restaurants, where every guest from near and far immediately feels at home.

    Is it for a stay in our hotel, a coffee, croissant or "Zvieri" in one of our restaurants, for lunch or dinner, a festive menu or plate service? The Brienzerburli and Löwen are always the right place for you.

    Boat trip on Lake Brienz

    Boat trip on Lake Brienz

    A boat trip on the sparkling Lake Brienz, surrounded by the impressive mountains of the Bernese Oberland, is an unforgettable experience.
    To the timetable